Your journey to developing an adaptive, limber and responsive organisation starts here.
We help traditional organisations capitalise on disruption. Most organisations are process-driven and are optimised for a steady state environment and are thus de-optimised for increasing disruption.
Please note that this is not an exercise in transformation. Transformation suggests you are at point A and success will be when you get to point B. Unfortunately in an increasingly disruptive world, point B will not sit still. So this is an exercise in enhancing your operating model to embrace uncertainty and capitalise on disruption.
Our role is to empower you and your people to lead the journey to becoming an adaptive organisation. And to do so in a manner that does not threaten your existing cashflows or unsettle your people.
We can join or leave your journey as needed. We can support you in the following ways:
Ensure all parties understand the rationale for starting this journey and the implications of inaction.
Ensure the organisation has a real-time understanding of its wider ecosystem.
Set up an innovation engine that in effect turns ideas into value.
Set up a governance model to determine performance indicators, ensure the innovation engine works smoothly and that it is aligned with environmental reality.
Support the governance council on an ongoing basis, if needed.
Support communication initiatives to all stakeholders in respect of this initiative, associated responsibilities and ongoing progress.
Please note that this is more a carpentry exercise than neurosurgery. The good news is that trial and error is an important element of the journey. Embracing experimentation more so than efficiency does not sit easy with most leaders. Fortunately, we have an approach that doesn’t compromise the efficiency of your existing model.
If you are the start of this journey then a keynote may be the first step, as it will enable you to initiate the associated ‘cultural awakening’. Another step before embarking on the implementation phase is to conduct a workshop with the leadership team and potentially their direct reports. This would establish:
A universally knowledgeable team.
A common understanding of the challenge and how your organisation responds to it.
Our founder Ade McCormack has extensive experience of delivering keynotes and facilitating workshops. You can initiate the discussion via the contact form on this site or visit his website to learn more about Ade, and if easier, initiate contact from there.
A unique approach
By studying living systems and the organisational models of the world’s most successful players we have created a unique approach to ensuring organisations are able to thrive in increasingly uncertain times.
Our approach is not consultant heavy. You have tremendous untapped cognitive potential in your people. Whilst this will significantly benefit your organisation, many of your people will welcome the opportunity to apply their natural abilities to creating value. Your shareholders will welcome the fact that you have not only eliminated what for most organisations is an existential risk, you have created a value creating organism that can withstand the harshest of market conditions.
For public sector organisations, citizen trust levels will rise as they see your approach is realistic, pragmatic and citizen centric.
We live in an increasingly complex, often chaotic, world. Our approach embraces this reality. Thus traditional strategic plans / slide decks are of little value. How analysts and investors value organisations similarly has to evolve. That is a global and systemic challenge. Our approach embraces the reality of having an adaptive organisation operating within the constraints of an industrial system.